
Bob Roberts

Professor and Head of Food Science

Veronica Roman-Reyna

Assistant Professor of Global Change Pathology
I work on understanding how plant-associated microbes change in agricultural systems.

Cristina Rosa

Associate Professor of Plant Pathology & Environmental Microbiology
Plant Virology, interaction of plant viruses with their insects as vectors and with their plant hosts. Virus evolution, exploration of plant viromes, viral co-infections, effect of climate change on viral resistant breaking strains. Use of nanotechnologies for virus detection and virus disease management.

Amir Sheikhi

Huck Early Career Chair in Biomaterials and Regenerative Engineering ; Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Micro- and nanoengineered soft materials for medicine and the environment; microfluidic-enabled biomaterials for tissue engineering and regeneration; living materials; next-generation bioadhesives, tissue sealants, and hemostatic agents; hydrogels for minimally invasive medical technologies; self-healing and adaptable soft materials; smart coatings; hairy nanocelluloses as an emerging family of advanced materials.

Justin Silverman

Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Statistical methods for the analysis of biomedical data (or any other interesting data/questions)

Vishal Singh

Assistant Professor of Nutritional Physiology and Microbiome

Mary Ann Smith

Biology Lecturer (Schuylkill)
The isolation of microorganisms with the potential for antibiotic production within soil and sourdough systems

Joshua Smyth

Distinguished Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Medicine

Moriah Szpara

Professor of Biology
How genetic variation influences the outcomes of viral infection, particularly for neurotropic viruses such as herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2, using high-throughput sequencing, comparative genomics, neuronal cultures, and genetic manipulation of both host and pathogen.

Vaskar Thapa

Assistant Research Professor

Claire Thomas

Associate Professor of Biology and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Roles of the cytoskeleton at the cell membrane in epithelial cells, including issues of cell polarity and adhesion, cell signaling, and morphogenesis.

Cheryl Thompson

Professor of Public Health Sciences
The intersection of behavioral, lifestyle and environmental factors with inherited variation to influence individual risk of cancer or cancer outcomes.

Natasha Tirko

Director, Master of Biotechnology Degree Program; Associate Teaching Professor

Guy Townsend

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Benay Gürsoy Toykoç

Assistant Professor of Architecture

Andres Valdez

Assistant Research Professor
Studies the interactions between Bacteria, Nutrients, and Phage in physically structured domains.

Josephine Wee

Assistant Professor of Food Science

Emily Weinert

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The mechanisms by which bacteria sense and respond to the environment, as well as how these signaling proteins/pathways affect competition, host colonization, and pathogenesis.

Laura Weyrich

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Reconstructing ancient oral microbiomes and supporting ancient DNA analysis of past humans, environments, and animals.