Past Events

DAWG Workshop: Phage Annotation

AVBS 106
University Park

Seminar: Gut Microbiome Industrialization and the Rise of Chronic Inflammatory Disease

Justin Sonnenburg , Stanford University

Foster Auditorium, Paterno Library
University Park

Seminar: Coral Cellular Immunity

Nikki Traylor-Knowles , University of Miami

106 AVBS
University Park

Seminar: From Sequence Graphs to Processing Bias: Towards More Informative Microbiome Representations

Tal Koroem , Columbia University (NYC)

106 AVBS
University Park

Seminar: Primate Microbial Diversity: Insights into Human Biology, Evolution and Disease

Rebecca Stumpf , University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

106 AVBS
University Park

DAWG Workshop: Annotating with MEGAN (metagenomic analysis tool)

AVBS 106
University Park

Seminar: Soil Fungi and the Soybean Nematode in Ohio Soybean Fields: Soil Micro-Predators for Sustainable management

Melanie Medina Lopez , Penn State Departments of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology & Food Science

106 AVBS
University Park

Seminar: Title TBA

Sanjay Antony-Babu , Texas A&M

106 AVBS
University Park

Seminar: Protists: External "Guts" of the Plant Rhizosphere [CANCELED]

Stephen Taerum , Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station

106 AVBS
University Park

Seminar: Microbial communities as mediators of heterosis expression in maize

Dr. Kayla Clouse , Penn State Plant Science

106 AVBS
University Park