Feb 04, 2022
SCInet graduate student internships available 2022, applications due March 15
Paid graduate student internships are available this summer at Mississippi State University through the USDA SCINET program. SCINET provides resources and opportunities for training in (for example) landscape effects on insect distributions and conservation - as such, we encourage our IBC student membership to apply!

As part of the SCINet collaboration with Mississippi State University, the Geosystems Research Institute at MSU will be hosting a graduate research experience program this summer. Please share this information with your colleagues and encourage graduate students to apply. More information can be found here.
A brief overview of the project is as follows:
- Description: The MSU/USDA Graduate Summer Research Experience Program is a multi-disciplinary program designed for graduate students with interest in agriculture productivity, environmental ecology, geospatial analysis, AI/ML, epidemiology, and bioinformatics. Selected students will spend 9-weeks during the summer working at Mississippi State University side-by-side with leading faculty conducting research in a high-performance computing environment. In addition to working in a rich research environment, students will receive mentorship and participate in a customized curriculum developed by MSU and USDA scientists exploring how to apply high-performance resources effectively and efficiently across a broad range of plant and animal agriculture disciplines. This is a great opportunity for students interested in solving complex agricultural problems and gaining experience working in a diverse and multi-disciplinary research environment.
- Program Dates: June 6- August 4 (9-weeks)
- Acceptance: Up to 12 graduate students will be accepted for the Summer 2022 program
- Location: Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS
- Student Stipends: (Dormitory housing will be provided, but students will be responsible for their meals)
- PhD Students - $15,000
- Master’s Students - $13,500
Applications may be submitted online. Review of applicants will begin March 15, 2022 and those accepted will be notified on or before April 15, 2022.
For more information about this opportunity, please contact Dixie Cartwright (dixie@gri.msstate.edu) at Mississippi State University.