
Managing habitat for flowering plants may mitigate climate effects on bee health

Warm, wet weather conditions and changing climate negatively influence the nectar intake and nutritional health of honey bees, but maintaining large tracts of grassy natural habitat with flowering plants around apiaries may help to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate, according to a new study by an international team of researchers.

2022 Summer Research Opportunities Program is Seeking Faculty Mentors

Host an undergraduate student in your lab this summer by participating in this year's CAS-SROP!

Huck Students Receive Alumni Awards

Two Huck IGDP students have been recognized as part of the 2021-22 Graduate School Alumni Association faculty and student awards in the Life & Health Sciences section.

Darcy Gray, a graduate student in Penn State's intercollege graduate degree program in ecology, is studying honey bees in Kenya. At right is Joseph Kilonzo, research assistant, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. Credit: Michael Muturi. All Rights Reserved.

Student receives Fulbright to study honey bee health, behavior in Kenya

Darcy Gray, a graduate student in Penn State's intercollege graduate degree program in ecology, has received a Fulbright Study/Research Award to help beekeepers by examining how habitat and weather patterns drive bee migration and honey production in Kenya.

SCInet graduate student internships available 2022, applications due March 15

Paid graduate student internships are available this summer at Mississippi State University through the USDA SCINET program. SCINET provides resources and opportunities for training in (for example) landscape effects on insect distributions and conservation - as such, we encourage our IBC student membership to apply!

Mining for knowledge: Scientists identify bee that can aid black cherry recovery

A ground-nesting bee family — commonly known as miner bees — could play a heightened role in rebuilding black cherry populations in Pennsylvania and beyond, according to Penn State entomologists who investigated pollinators’ contributions to the valuable hardwood species.

Entomologists to study how climate change may influence pollinator stressors

A Penn State-led team of researchers will use a newly awarded $682,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture to examine how climate change may influence and interact with various stressors that affect the health of pollinators.

Upcoming workshop series on using data science for ecological applications

Contact Drs. Sarah Goslee and Bogdan Caradima if you have questions, or would like to sign up!

IBC-affiliated mentors solicited for summer student internships

Eric Crandall (Assistant Research Professor, Biology) is seeking faculty mentors to increase diversity in STEM and at PSU for the summer PhD Bridge program for 2022.

Popular perennial flowering plants can attract diverse mix of pollinators

Popular species of perennial flowering plants vary widely in their attractiveness to pollinators, but homeowners and landscape managers who select certain perennial cultivars can support a diverse community of pollinators in their own backyards, according to a new study from a team of Penn State researchers.