Through a planning grant awarded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation’s Equitable Pathways to STEM Graduate Education in December 2022, we are excited to leverage current research partnerships that Insect Biodiversity Center & Penn State Entomology faculty share with collaborators at Central State University, Chowan University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

INSSECT NET (INterdisciplinary Studies in Science, Education, Communication and Technology NETwork) is a entomologically focused research network designed to introduce undergraduate students to career opportunities that accompany the completion of a graduate degree in Entomology at Penn State. Collectively, we are excited to increase recruitment and training of students from underrepresented groups in graduate STEM education. We welcome all students, faculty and staff from all backgrounds to participate in our programming.
On Friday, March 31, 2023 we hosted the first annual INSSECT Careers Symposium for students to learn about what graduate school is all about. The symposium featured invited talks by underrepresented minority PSU alumni, now working in diverse fields within Entomology. They talked about the successes and challenges they experienced throughout graduate school, how graduate school allowed them to pursue the career they hold today. View the agenda for our symposium here, and access our video archive of the symposium here!
We are excited to offer annual paid, summer research internships to students to receive hands-on training in the design and execution of an independent scientific experiment alongside opportunities to meet new friends and take workshops focused on professional development.
Finally, prospective incoming graduate students will have the opportunity to tour Penn State, free of cost, as part of the STEM Open House program.
If you are interested in our programming or have any questions about it, email Natalie Boyle (see contact card below) for more information. And you can learn more about the members of our INSSECT NET Team here!

Natalie Boyle
Assistant Research Professor; Insect Biodiversity Center Program Coordinator