For additional news and information, please visit the Center for Pollinator Research News feed. You can sign up for our weekly IBC newsletter by clicking here.

Newsletter Archive
- 'Zombie Ant Experience’ invades Penn State Berks
- Spotted lanternflies are thriving in the Northeast. Scientists fear they could spread farther
- Bug of the Month: October
- Boy’s discovery reveals highly complex plant-insect interaction
- Entomology grad named American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
- Identify Night Singing Insects with New Field Guide
- Grant funds research that could help certification of organic honey bee products
- Oct 1 Deadline for PSU STEM Open House
- A Sticky Situation for PA Wildlife
- Entomologist of the Month: September
- Graduate students in entomology and ecology win prestigious fellowships
- Call for Proposals Related to Lepidoptera Conservation
- Master Gardener puppet show pairs pollinator education with catchy tunes
- Alumna creates graduate award using patent royalties
- In the Lanternfly War, Some Take the Bug’s Side
- Bug of the Month: September
- How an Xprize-winning group developed an AI assistant to help African farmers increase their crops and adapt to the climate crisis
- What Have We Learned From 6 Years of Monitoring Wild Bees?
- Spotted Lanternflies Are Everywhere
- International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, Policy slated for 2023
- Rasgon named Huck Chair of Disease Epidemiology and Biotechnology
- How Are the Bees?
- Spotted lanternflies make a tasty meal for some birds and other bugs
- Entomologist and Bug of the Month: August
- Entomologist Jared Ali named director of the Penn State Center for Chemical Ecology
- What’s the Best Way to Measure Pollinator Attractiveness of Cultivated Flower Varieties?
- Penn State Extension publication offers guidance on managing spotted lanternfly
- Managing habitat for flowering plants may mitigate climate effects on bee health
- Penn State unit partner projects highlight awareness, importance of pollinators
- Entomologist and Bug of the Month: July
- Entomologist of the Month: June
- The Center for Pollinator Research and the Snetsinger Butterfly Garden to host a Pollination Celebration
- Student Research Spotlight
- Building for Bees: A recent workshop offered by the Center for Pollinator Research
- What genetic sequencing can reveal about the secret lives of bees
- Spotted lanternflies are hatching again. But how far do they spread each year?
- More monarch butterflies migrating back to Pennsylvania this spring, but population remains threatened
- How can you protect dogs, cats and horses from ticks?
- Wolf Administration Awards $320K In Wild Resource Conservation Program Grants, Accepting Applications For 2022 Round Of Funding
- Butterfly gardens offer haven for hard-working pollinators
- What's the Buzz Spring Newsletter
- Bug of the Month: May
- Casey Sclar named director of The Arboretum at Penn State
- SAFES seed funding boosts agricultural research data capabilities
- Spotted lanternfly research takes a village and a Berks backyard
- Beetle in the coconut
- Next on WPSU'S 'Digging Deeper': The Pollinator and Bird Garden at the Arboretum
- Entomologist of the Month: Maria Sibylla Merian
- PlantVillage Team awarded $1M in Elon Musk XPRIZE Carbon Removal Competition
- Smallholder farmers are the champions for climate change mitigation
- PlantVillage receives Cisco Foundation grant to help communities capture carbon
- Penn State reminds public of policy limiting access to Rock Springs facility
- Penn State Master Gardeners present workshop in Hampton on biodiversity, pollinators and design
- NE beekeepers sought to participate in new queen producing program
- Entomologist of the Month: April
- Entomology graduate students win awards at PSU's 2022 Graduate Exhibition
- IBC member and entomology graduate student wins award for teaching
- PA Agriculture Secretary Talks Farm Bill, Pollinator Research at Penn State
- Building the Hive
- Bug of the Month: April
- Cover crops more effective than insecticides for managing pests, study suggests
- American Association for Professional Apiculturists award nominations due Friday
- Bee monitoring workshops seek input on native bee conservation strategies
- Friday's entomology seminar will be held in-person at the Arboretum at Penn State
- Become A Beekeeper Through ENT 497 Maymester Course
- Undergraduate Scholarship Applications Due This Friday
- Penn State Extension educator secures grant to aid honey bees and beekeeping
- Libraries to offer free virtual workshops on R programming language
- Seeking students and faculty mentors for SROP summer internships
- Bug of the Month: March
- New PSU Extension note on Jorō spiders
- Intro to Beekeeping Maymester course - now accepting students!
- EPA Expected to Extend Use of Bee-Killing Pesticides
- Entomologist of the Month: March
- Ukranian entomologist Dr. Viktor Baranov featured in latest Arthro-Pod episode
- Insect Biodiversity Poetry
- Student receives Fulbright to study honey bee health, behavior in Kenya
- Farmers are overusing insecticide on seeds, with mounting harmful effects on nature
- Youngs pledge estate gift to create scholarship, support Arboretum at Penn State
- Colleagues mourn Internationally renowned chemical ecologist, James Tumlinson
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity: Pollinators in a Changing Climate in Colombia World’s first gene editing tools for ticks may help decrease tick-borne diseases
- Bug of the Month: February
- Famous entomologists featured in PSU's Frost Museum archives
- SCInet graduate student summer internships
- Dr. Margarita López-Uribe elected American Association of Professional Apiculturalists President
- Penn State Arboretum accepting applications for educational programs
- SCInet graduate student summer internships
- Undergraduate pollination research awards now accepting applications
- Undergraduate pollination research awards now accepting applications
- Bee Hotels at Penn State Arboretum: A Reflection
- The impacts of modern agriculture on insect diversity
- Birds Biting Bad Bugs: Using Community Science for Spotted Lanternfly Research
- Entomologist of the Month: February
- The Symbiotic Podcast returns live with 'game-changer' David Hughes
- Entomologists to study how climate change may influence pollinator stressors
- Black cherry tree pollination
- IBC member Kelli Hoover receives EntSoc's 2022 L.O. Howard Award
- Bug of the Month: January
- Entomologist of the month: January
- Spotted lanternfly lore: Penn State experts clear up falsehoods about the pest
- SAFES’ 2022 BOAT Grant Program
- Honeydew contaminated with systemic insecticides threatens beneficial insects
- Scientists Uncover the Evolutionary Genetic Pathway That Colors Bumble Bee Stripes
- IBC Member David Hughes recognized by Newsweek
- SAFES’ 2022 BOAT Grant Program
- Penn State Berks student awarded for spotted lanternfly research
- Bug of the Month: December
- Flowering plants and the evolution of life on Earth
- Data science workshop series for ecological applications
- Entomology and the arts
- Insect life under the leaves
- Entomologist of the Month: December
- Policy for Pollinators
- PlantVillage matching fund combats global hunger
- Reflections from Last Week's Center for Pollinator Research Symposium
- Giving Tuesday is on November 30!
- New tool weighs pest and pathogen management
- PA universities plant forest buffers for water management
- Spotted Lanternfly Numbers Skyrocket
- Winterizing Hives at the Arboretum at Penn State
- Sick insects stick to comfortable conditions
- PSU awarded ~$39M for global research on crop threats
- Bug of the Month: November
- Penn State Recognized for Green Power Leadership
- IBC-affiliated mentors sought for summer student internships
- Popular flowering perennial mixes attract diverse pollinators
- IBC members in the Cooperative Spotted Lanternfly Task Force receive PSU's Leadership in Action Award
- PSU Extension Newsletter: Gardening for Pollinators
- Genes Behind Bumble Bee Stripe Colors
- Organic Beekeeping: A Sweet Alternative for Produce Growers
- Entomologist of the Month: Edith Patch
- Penn State Extension Master Gardeners Support Bee Monitoring Project
- PSU Extension Note: Bumble Bee Colony Lifecycle
- Bug of the Month: Common Cranefly
- AI for Insect Eye and Recycling
- Graduate student teaching opportunities
- Entomologist of the Month: October
- Honey bee viruses are common, but at low levels, in wild bees
- IBC Fellows Compete in Nittany AI Challenge
- 'Zombie Ant' sculpture brings interactive art to Penn State Behrend
- Aquatic insects: the MVPs of stream decomposition
- Research Unplugged to feature Penn State Entomologists
- PSU/DCNR collaboration: Introduction to Insects Handbook
- National society to recognize two Penn State entomologists
- New PSU Entomology course: Managing Landscapes for Insect Conservation
- Bureau of Forestry Native Pollinator Conservation Plan
- Mass movements of spotted lanternflies
- Penn State Master Gardeners aid cleanup effort at Flight 93 national memorial
- 'Unprecedented' outbreak of fall armyworms
- Project Apis m. is seeking proposals
- Biodiversity needs better data archiving
- Ag-Seedlings Project supports pollinator education for elementary school students
- Bug of the Month: September
- Eau de Ladybug Deters Pests
- No Mercy for the Invasive Spotted Lanternfly
- Planting for Flower Flies
- Entomologist of the Month: September
- Introducing our new Insect Biodiversity Center Education Specialist!
- CPR/IBC member Kate Anton receives 2021 Staff Laureate Ambassador Award
- New garden offers array of native plants, pollinators at Penn State’s Arboretum
- IBC member David Hughes named to 'Most Creative People in Business' list
- Beekeeping exhibit now open at the Pasto Agricultural Museum
- Bug of the Month: August
- Entomologist of the Month: August
- Helping pollinators highlighted at Ag Progress Days Yard and Garden Area
- IBC member competes for $25,000 prize through the Penn State Nittany AI Alliance
- IBC member Julie Urban shares spotted lanternfly egg research on NPR's Science Friday
- Global warming may limit spread of dengue fever, new research finds
- Pollinator and Bird Garden opens in The Arboretum at Penn State
- Bug of the Month: July
- Entomologist of the Month: July
- New model predicts spotted lanternfly egg hatching
- Graphic Design students explore pollinator biology and conservation
- Loss of biodiversity in streams threatens vital biological process
- IBC member Vijay Narayanasan to lead a new Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Engineered Systems (CAFE)
- IBC member David Hughes named Chair in Global Food Security in Huck Institutes
- Entomologist of the Month: June
- Bug of the Month: June
- New Entomology Course on Spiders Weaves Together Their Biological and Cultural Importance
- Cuckoo Combo: Re-Classification Makes Bombus flavidus World’s Most Widespread Bumble Bee
- Beekeeping Today podcast features Dr. Christina Grozinger: The Climate Change Impact on Bees & Floral Sources
- Penn State, University of Freiburg partner to form Virtual Classroom Project
- Penn State’s Master Gardeners Volunteer Time & Expertise Through Sustainable Practices
- 10 Steps You Can Take to Support Local Biodiversity – Advice from Dr. Doug Tallamy
- Entomologist of the Month: May
- Frost Entomological Museum Spring Newsletter Out Now
- The IBC is seeking YOUR proposals for interdisciplinary workshops!
- Bug of the Month: May
- 2021 Dutch Gold Honey Undergraduate Scholarship - May 1st Application Deadline Approaching
- The Bees & the Birds
- USDA grant to support expansion of online tool for pollinator conservation
- Social bees or wasps on your property? Read our new PSU Extension Notes on their biology and management
- Dr. Christina Grozinger discusses current research in The Engineering Edge podcast
- All you need to know about the Brood X Periodical Cicada in new Penn State Extension factsheet
- Entomologist to examine how plant domestication influences pollinator evolution
- As Locusts Swarmed East Africa, This Tech Helped Squash Them
- Frost Entomological Museum secures competitive NSF grant, plans to expand storage
- Entomologist of the Month: April
- Lanternfly's attraction to vertical silhouettes could help monitor, trap it
- Frost Entomological Museum’s Hexapod Haiku challenge is back!
- The hidden world of winter bees photo album online now!
- Utah State University Extension releases new instructional videos on mason beekeeping
- Bug of the Month: April
- Master Gardeners to celebrate pollinator-friendly garden program milestone
- A wing and a prayer: Chickens, praying mantises among likely lanternfly enemies
- NSF’s Discovery Files discusses “The Business of Bees”, highlighting collaborative studies between University of Pittsburgh and Penn State
- When Life Gave Pennsylvania Spotted Lanternflies, Its Bees Made Spotted Lanternfly Honey
- PSU Extension Note on carpenter bees out now!
- Helping Northeast Beekeepers Fight Mites
- Bug of the Month: March
- Penn State tied for first nationally in NSF rankings reflecting research breadth
- 12 receive grants for conservation and research efforts in Pennsylvania
- A Diamond in the Pumpkin Patch
- Undergraduate Research Award Funds Pollinator Photo Project
- InsectEye team, which includes IBC Fellow Mathis, is selected to compete in Nittany AI Challenge!
- Learn to recognize and identify early spring wildflowers of Pennsylvania
- Upon retirement, Arboretum's founding director leaves growing legacy
- IBC member David Hughes featured in 'Fighting Back Against 2020's Massive Locust Swarms'
- Learn about squash bees in new PSU Extension Handbook
- What's The Buzz? Pollinator Garden Certification Newsletter Out Now
- This Week is Black in Entomology Week!
- 'International Research Experience for Students' Undergraduate Applications Due March 1
- Silencing the alarm
- Bug of the Month: February
- Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner
- Seminar on 'Catalyzing Your Research' begins on Feb. 18
- The business of bees
- Winter survival guide for queen bumble bees
- Global Perspectives in Integrated Pest and Pollinator Management Series: IPM Programs in developed vs. developing countries
- 2021 Dutch Gold Honey Undergraduate Scholarship
- Seeding Hope: Community members breathe life into the new Pollinator and Bird Garden at Penn State
- Incentivized Programs Help Farmers Protect Pollinators
- Apes Valentes Graduate Student Award
- Summer weather conditions influence winter survival of honey bees
- Grozinger receives National Academy's Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences
- Feral colonies provide clues for enhancing honey bee tolerance to pathogens
- Spotted lanternfly experts debunk myths about the prodigious, pestilent pest
- "Mainstreaming Biodiversity in a Decade of Action" symposium series continues
- PNAS Special Issue on Insect Declines
- Climate change reduces the abundance and diversity of wild bees, study finds
- No bees, no food: What we can do to help PA pollinators
- Laura Jones is Helping Farmers Protect Pollinators | Student Spotlights
- Bug of the Month: January
- Cicada explosion among big events on 2021 nature calendar for Pennsylvania
- Sustainability Institute webinar series "Mainstreaming Biodiversity in the Decade of Action" begins next week!
- Study: Bumble bees lacking high-quality habitat have higher pathogen loads
- Gardening: Feed the birds naturally, featuring Pennsylvania entomologist Doug Tallamy
- Smart technology tackles East Africa’s locust swarms
- Menaced by Murder Hornets, Bees Decorate Their Hives With Feces
- PlantVillage featured in 2020 PSU ICDS Symposium
- Beescape Monthly Update for December
- Bug of the Month - December 2020
- The “Hidden” World of Colony-Level Impacts of Neonicotinoids on Social Pollinators
- Flor Acevedo, Asst. professor of Entomology/Arthropod ecology, receives Strategic Networks & Initiatives Program Award
- What’s that smell?
- Spring symposium, seed grants to promote transdisciplinary biodiversity research
- A New Guide for Tick Researchers on Working With Mice
- Plantvillage crowdfunding effort underway to improve agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa