Understanding the regulation of cellulose synthesis and investigating its impact on plant cell expansion

February 10, 2025 @ 12:15 pm to 01:15 pm

Donghui Wei, Penn State University

108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park

In this talk, two interconnected projects will be introduced, exploring the dynamic regulation of cellulose synthesis and its influence on cell expansion.

The first project investigates the trafficking of Cellulose Synthase Complexes (CSCs), which are crucial for maintaining proper CSC abundance at the plasma membrane. The identification of RabE1 GTPases as key regulators of CSC secretion and recycling suggests a coordinated system regulating CSC transport.

Cell wall architecture plays a pivotal role in determining the mechanical properties of plant cells, directly influencing their ability to expand and grow. Building on previous research on CSI1’s role in cellulose synthesis and cell expansion, the second project reveals a novel ultra-fast auxin signaling pathway. While reliant on auxin-TIR1 binding and AUX/IAA degradation, this pathway operates on a significantly shorter timescale, triggering shoot cell expansion within minutes—far more rapidly than the canonical pathway.

About the Speaker
Donghui Wei is a Ph.D. candidate at Penn State University, where she studies the regulation of cellulose synthesis and its impact on plant growth. Before joining Penn State, she accomplished her bachelor's and master's degrees in genetics from Fudan University, where she explored transcriptional regulation in anther development.


Ying Gu