Majid Foolad
Professor of Plant Genetics
Genetic characterization of resistance/tolerance to biotic/abiotic stresses, and genes/QTLs contributing to tomato fruit quality. Investigation of genes/QTLs for directed crop improvement and germplasm enhancement. Tomato cultivar development & release.
Robert Graves
Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Ying Gu
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mechanism of cellulose biosynthesis in higher plants. Genetic modification of plant cell wall to scale-up biofuel production.
Mark Guiltinan
Director, Plant Institute; J. Franklin Styer Professor of Horticultural Botany; Professor of Plant Molecular Biology
Plant functional genomics, metabolomics and biotechnology. Identification of key genes for disease resistance and important traits in the tree crop Theoboma cacao, the Chocolate tree.
Jill Hamilton
Director of the Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Genetics; Associate Professor
Genomic basis of climate adaptation, conservation, and restoration genetics.
Clare Hinrichs
Professor of Rural Sociology
How transitions to sustainability are understood, negotiated, organized, contested, and assessed.
David Hughes
Huck Chair in Global Food Security; Professor of Entomology and of Biology
Parasite manipulation of host behavior
Sibel Irmak
Research Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Jason Kaye
Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Ecology; Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry
Ecosystem ecology; global change biology; biogeochemistry of nitrogen and carbon cycling in managed and unmanaged ecosystems.
Armen Kemanian
Professor of Production Systems and Modeling
Agricultural Systems, Agricultural and Natural Systems Modeling, Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling, Bioenergy Systems, Coupled Hydrologic and Nutrient Modeling, and Plant Competition
Seong Kim
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering; Professor of Materials Science and Engineering