EGR: How to Apply

Application deadline is April 1, 2025.

Interested students should submit their applications in response to the request for proposal. Please contact Joseph Reese for further information.

Joseph Reese

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Eukaryotic Gene Regulation (EGR) Predoctoral Training Program is directed by Dr. Joe Reese and supported by the NRSA Institutional Predoctoral Training Program (T32) in Cellular, Biochemical, and Molecular Sciences Predoctoral Program by National Institute of General Medicine (NIGMS) with matching funds provided by Penn State. Interested students from PSU biomedical, quantitative and computational sciences graduate programs can apply for participation in the training.

EGR’s mission is to train future generations of scientists in both experimental and computational approaches to address fundamental questions in eukaryotic gene regulation. The main objectives are to provide (i) rigorous understanding of the scientific process; (ii) mastery of experimental and computational methods in EGR; (iii) excellence in oral and written science communication; (iv) development of an ethical framework for research; and (v) team leadership in scientific projects.

NIH T32 Eligibility and Funding

Applications are invited from Penn State graduate students within year one for admission to the EGR predoctoral training program. For the 2024-25 application cycle, EGR expects to offer funded positions for US students and a limited number of international students, subject to funding constraints stipulated by the NIH, participating PSU colleges and the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences. Students funded as T32 trainees must defer any teaching responsibilities during their time as a paid trainee.

NIH funding is not a requirement for participating in the training program and its many activities. Only about half of the trainees in the program have received NIH support. Unfunded domestic and international trainees can participate in the many training and career development activities associated with the training grant. Questions about eligibility and the application process can be directed to Joe Reese (

Training activities begin in the summer. Trainee expectations can be found here.

NIH T32 Application Process

Interested individuals should submit a personal statement including background, experience and interest (2 pages), a list of courses taken, a curriculum vitae and two supporting letters. One letter should be from the research advisor, which should include a commitment towards participation in EGR training activities including, but not limited to the following: (i) yearly Responsible Conduct of Research class discussion; (ii) teaching Data Reproducibility and Transparency in graduate courses; (iii) CEGR Megameetings and annual retreats; (iv) mentor training activities; and (v) diversity recruitment and mentoring. The second letter should be from an individual who can address the applicant’s interest in the EGR program and how the training will enhance the applicant’s program of study.

A personal interview for qualified applicants will be conducted in May by the trainee selection committee.

Summary of Application Materials

  • Student statement of background, experience and interest (2 pages)
  • Current graduate transcript (unofficial)
  • CV (1 to 2 pages)
  • Advisor letter of support (including commitment of participation in EGR as noted above)
  • A second letter from a PSU faculty member who knows you well and can address your interest in and potential benefit from the EGR program

Personal statement, transcript, and CV should be submitted as a single pdf by the applicant, using the form below.

Letters of support should be submitted electronically to Jean Pierce ( Please include the trainee’s name in the file name.

Are you a U.S. Citizen? *

It is important to submit your application to only one T32 program. By submitting your application to this program, you have determined that this program is the best fit for your research interests and training goals. If you feel that your research may also fit with a secondary Huck T32 program, please list it below. [Note: if your application is considered by another T32 program, you may be asked to submit additional materials at that time.]

Select all fellowships or scholarships you have received from Penn State or an external funding source
I understand that if I am selected as a funded trainee for this T32 program, I must relinquish any teaching responsibilities during my time as a trainee

You will receive a confirmation email upon submission of this form. If you do not receive that message, please contact Jean Pierce (