
Program Leadership

Francesca Chiaromonte

Director of the Genome Sciences Institute; Huck Chair in Statistics for the Life Sciences; Professor of Statistics

Stephen Schaeffer

Professor of Biology

Santhosh Girirajan

Professor of Genomics; Interim Department Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Professor of Anthropology

Training Faculty

Istvan Albert

Research Professor of Bioinformatics

Reka Albert

Distinguished Professor of Physics and Biology

Michael Axtell

Distinguished Professor of Biology

Le Bao

Professor of Statistics

James Broach

Distinguished Professor and Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Laura Carrel

Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Keith Cheng

Distinguished Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and of Pharmacology

Francesca Chiaromonte

Director of the Genome Sciences Institute; Huck Chair in Statistics for the Life Sciences; Professor of Statistics

Emily Davenport

Assistant Professor of Biology

Claude dePamphilis

Director of the Center for Parasitic and Carnivorous Plants; Huck Distinguished Chair in Plant Biology and Evolutionary Genomics; Professor of Biology

Sinisa Dovat

Professor and Vice Chair for Basic Science Research, Department of Pediatrics; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and of Pharmacology

Kristin Eckert

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Erika Ganda

Emphasis Area Representative, Microbiome Sciences; Assistant Professor of Food Animal Microbiomes

Santhosh Girirajan

Professor of Genomics; Interim Department Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Professor of Anthropology

Molly Hall

Dr. Frances Keesler Graham Early Career Professor; Assistant Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Ross Hardison

Associate Director of the Genome Sciences Institute; T. Ming Chu Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Vasant Honavar

Huck Chair in Biomedical Data Sciences and AI; Professor and Edward Frymoyer Chair of Information Sciences and Technology

Bhushan Jayarao

Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences

Daniel Kifer

Professor of Computer Science & Engineering

David Koslicki

Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Biology

Qunhua Li

Associate Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Professor of Statistics

Dajiang Liu

Co-Chair, Intercollege Graduate Degree Program in Bioinformatics and Genomics; Professor of Public Health Sciences and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Manuel Llinas

Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Hong Ma

Huck Chair in Plant Reproductive Development and Evolution; Professor of Biology

Kamesh Madduri

Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Shaun Mahony

Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Kateryna Makova

Director of the Center for Medical Genomics; Professor of Biology

James Marden

Associate Director of Operations, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Professor of Biology

Paul Medvedev

Director of the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Professor of Electrical Engineering; Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering; Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Anton Nekrutenko

Dorothy Foher Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Genomics, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Andrew Patterson

Professor and Huck Chair of Molecular Toxicology; Faculty Oversight, Metabolomics Core Facility

George Perry

Professor of Anthropology and Biology

Matthew Reimherr

Associate Professor of Statistics

Stephen Schaeffer

Professor of Biology

Scott Showalter

Professor of Chemistry; Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Mark Shriver

Professor of Biological Anthropology

Justin Silverman

Assistant Professor of Information Sciences and Technology

Rachel Smith

Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences

Zachary Szpiech

Assistant Professor of Biology

David Toews

Assistant Professor of Biology
