
Kyra LoPiccolo

Graduate Student
Population and conservation genomics of Fraxinus species

Yuxin Luo

Graduate Student
Selection of natural environmental variations on the genetic and phenotypic traits of Arabidopsis thaliana

Chloee McLaughlin

Graduate Student
Local adaptation of crop landraces

Francisco Menendez Burns

Graduate Student
Metallo-biology of the chocolate tree, Theobroma cacao L.

Kemin Mu

Graduate Student
Molecular mechanisms involved in iron homeostasis

Ya Chi Nien

Graduate Student
Interfere small RNA biogenesis machinery by utilizing host-induced gene silencing system in Cuscuta campestris

Benedikt Nuesslein

Graduate Student
Investigating genetic changes associated with the evolution of carnivorous plants

Madhusha Ranaweera

Graduate Student
Investigating hemp bioactive metabolites and synergistic potential on aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-mediated pathways.

Rishi Ravichandran

Graduate Student
Molecular mechanisms underlying iron-zinc interaction and biofortification

Elizabeth Schousek

Graduate Student
The impact of origin on beneficial health properties of cocoa

Matthew Sheltra

Graduate Student
Breeding and population genetics of turfgrass Agrostis stolonifera, and mechanism of fungus-induced hermaphroditism in Bouteloua dactyloides

Liam Spielmann

Graduate Student
Role of RNA structure in plant stress response

Megan Sylvia

Graduate Student
RNA structure and function relationships

Anthony Taylor

Graduate Student
Theoretical, functional, and evolutionary studies of defective viral genomes as regulatory elements in plants and insects.

Courtney Tharp

Graduate Student
Investigating the role of root anatomical phenes in plant selection of the root-associated microbiome

Eleanna Vasquez Cerda

Graduate Student
Genomics of local adaptation

Jessica Walnut

Graduate Student
Trimeric G-protein signaling in rice

Donghui Wei

Graduate Student
The mechanism of endocytosis of cellulose synthase complexes in Arabidopsis

Robert Witkowski

Graduate Student
Evolution of plant chemical defense in goldenrod (Solidago altissima L.)