Savannah Anez
Graduate Student
Characterizing the phytochemistry and bioactivity of a native Appalachian plant, ghost pipe (Monotropa uniflora)
Jishnu Bhatt
Graduate Student
Biotechnology and functional genomics of Theobroma cacao
Francisco Chacon
Graduate Student
Medicinal plant metabolomics and natural product discovery
Anuleka Dutta
Graduate Student
Developing plant-inspired actuated hybrid robots spanning from macro to nano scales
Guanhua Feng
Graduate Student
Regulation of flower development by epigenetic and other mechanisms
Maria Alejandra Gil Polo
Graduate Student
Measuring long-term adaptation of rhizobia and non-rhizobia bacteria to different alfalfa varieties
Alenka Hafner
Graduate Student
Plant phenotypic plasticity, stress adaptation and epigenetic memory
Jeremy Held
Graduate Student
Genetic control of the hypersensitive response in Nicotiana spp. to Erwinia amylovora
Youran Huang
Graduate Student
Integrating cellular iron compartmentalization mechanisms
Ilhyeong Jo
Graduate Student
Improving CRISPR/Cas genome editing tools for functional genomics and crop improvement
Elizabeth Kelly
Graduate Student
Host selection and gene regulation of generalist parasitic plants
Noah Kinscherf
Graduate Student
Role of plant G proteins in modulating diverse stress responses