
Getting to the bottom of the zombie ant phenomenon

While unraveling a dramatic case of mind control, Huck Institutes affiliate David Hughes is taking calls from Hollywood and gaining new insights into the role behavior plays in spreading disease.

Penn State professor finding new ways to repair nerve injuries

Nerve injury is a major health problem, with 12,000 new injuries occurring in the U.S. each year. Recovery can be difficult or impossible, which is why Huck Institutes affiliate Mohammad Reza Abidian is focusing his research on special materials called "conducting polymers," which could one day offer a solution to these injuries.

Four tiny tweaks for a healthier caffeine routine

Huck Institutes affiliate Frank Ritter and his Caffeine Zone app feature in the current issue of Oprah's "O" Magazine.

Neuroscience faculty member heading new concussion research center

Semyon Slobounov, an affiliate of the Huck Institutes' Neuroscience graduate program, is directing the new Center for Sport Concussion Research and Service at Penn State.

Huck Institutes neuroscientist in Taiwan learning sciences partnership

Ping Li " co-chair of the Huck Institutes' Neuroscience graduate program and co-director of the Center for Brain, Behavior and Cognition " is part of a collaboration between Penn State and National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) to establish the Advanced Center for the Study of the Learning Sciences.

Penn State open online course "infects" learners, causing a "virtual pandemic"

In a free new online course, "Epidemics: the Dynamics of Infectious Diseases," offered by the Eberly College of Science at Penn State, students and members of the public will learn about how infectious diseases spread by playing a real-time epidemic game " a "virtual apocalypse," which instructors will run in parallel with the more traditional lessons.

Engineering control theory helps create dynamic brain models

Models of the human brain, patterned on engineering control theory, may some day help researchers control such neurological diseases as epilepsy, Parkinson's, and migraines, according to Steven Schiff, who is using mathematical models of neuron networks from which more complex brain models emerge.

Nine Huck Institutes faculty members featured in Discovery U videos

Peter Hudson, Scott Selleck, David Hughes, Melissa Rolls, Paula Droege, Tracy Langkilde, Phil Bevilacqua, Stephen Schaeffer, and Robert Paulson talk about research that's driving scientific discovery at Penn State.

Yingwei Mao receives two major grants

The American Heart Association and the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation have each awarded Dr. Mao with a grant intended to provide support for promising beginning scientists.

Interaction of genes and environment influences obesity in children

Kathleen Keller and colleagues at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine find that while neither genes nor the environment alone can predict obesity in children, a strong relationship emerges when these factors are considered together.