
Penn State researcher receives a Rising Star Award in biomedical engineering

Xiaojun “Lance” Lian, assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Penn State, has been named one of the 2020 Rising Star Award recipients in stem cell engineering by the Biomedical Engineering Society’s (BMES) Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Special Interest Group (CMBE SIG).

New tool reveals DNA structures that influence disease

Disruption of certain DNA structures — called topologically associating domains, or TADs — is linked with the development of disease, including some cancers. With its newly created algorithm that quickly locates and helps elucidate the complex functions of TADs, an international team of researchers is making it easier to study these important structures and help prevent disease.

Respiration key to increase oxygen in the brain

Contrary to accepted knowledge, blood can bring more oxygen to mice brains when they exercise because the increased respiration packs more oxygen into the hemoglobin, according to an international team of researchers who believe that this holds true for all mammals.

Tracking inheritance of human mitochondrial DNA

New insight into how genetic information stored in human mitochondria is passed from one generation to the next could have important implications for genetic counseling of people planning pregnancies, according to a study by researchers at Penn State and the University of California, Berkeley.

Malaria parasite lives on the edge

The parasite that causes malaria expresses genes that code for the proteins it will need in later life stages, using two separate schemes to prevent these proteins from actually being made until they are needed, according to new research.

Empowering drug discovery by evaluating antivirals in thousands of single cells

A new enhancement to a lab-on-a-chip device allows researchers to simultaneously observe thousands of individual cells that are infected with a virus, providing important information about infection dynamics not available using traditional methods.

One avocado a day helps lower 'bad' cholesterol for heart healthy benefits

Move over, apples — new research from Penn State suggests that eating one avocado a day may help keep “bad cholesterol” at bay. According to the researchers, bad cholesterol can refer to both oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and small, dense LDL particles.

Paper by MCIBS Grad Laura Bennett Inspires Journal Cover

Laura Bennett's investigation into the effects of inflammation, done with advisor Robert Paulson, was featured on the cover of Science Signaling last month.

Professor of Biomedical Engineering Deb Kelly hopes to 'outsmart breast cancer'

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One of the pioneering researchers in the fight against breast cancer is Deb Kelly, professor of biomedical engineering and director of the Center for Structural Oncology at Penn State.

Liquid-Cell Electron Tomography (LC-ET) offers an exciting technical advance to study dynamic materials in solution. The figure illustrates how LC-ET was used to define the “rules of engagement” for pathogenic phages and its host bacterium. IMAGE: KELLY LAB/PENN STATE

Scientists have first 3D view of life's processes in liquid

A new liquid-cell technology allows scientists to see living biological materials and systems in three dimensions under an electron microscope, according to researchers at Penn State, Virginia Tech and Protochips Inc.