People: Reproductive Biology

Paul Bartell

Associate Professor of Avian Biology
The regulation of biological clocks in birds at the systems level.

Nikki Crowley

Director, Neuroscience Institute – University Park; Huck Early Career Chair in Neurobiology & Neural Engineering; Assistant Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering; Associate Director for Postdoctoral Training and Leadership, Center for Neural Engineering
Investigation of peptidergic transmission throughout the brain, using cell-specific and pathway-specific manipulations to understand how peptides alter neuronal signaling and behavior, particularly in the context of stress and drug use.

Mary Jane De Souza

Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology
The etiology of and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad, skeletal health in exercising women and athletes, reproductive endocrinology of menstrual disorders in exercising women, and RCTs of increased food intake in exercising women.

Francisco Diaz

Director of the Center for Reproductive Health and Biology; Associate Professor of Reproductive Biology
Ovarian physiology. Role of SMAD-mediated signaling in follicular and female germ cell (oocyte) development.

Erika Ganda

Emphasis Area Representative, Microbiome Sciences; Assistant Professor of Food Animal Microbiomes
Developing practical ways to leverage the microbiome to improve food safety and improve food production animals' production efficiency.

Alison Gernand

Ann Atherton Hertzler Early Career Professor in Global Health; Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences

Camilla Hughes

Assistant Professor of Reproductive Biology
Reproductive biology, ovarian function, and reproductive-immune interaction

Wansheng Liu

Professor of Genomics
Functional annotation of farm animal genomes, structure and function of mammalian sex (X and Y) chromosome, spermatogenesis and male fertility.

Troy Ott

C. Lee Rumberger and Family Chair in Agricultural Sciences; Professor of Reproductive Physiology
Reproductive immunology and the physiology of early pregnancy.

Ramesh Ramachandran

Professor of Molecular Endocrinology
The influence of hypothalamic neurotransmitters, hormones, and their receptors on avian reproduction.

Burt Staniar

Assistant Professor of Equine Science

Claire Stenhouse

Assistant Professor of Animal Science
Reproductive Biology, Uterine and Placental Biology, Developmental Biology, Fetal Development, Endocrinology

Nancy Williams

Professor and Head of Kinesiology
Exercise physiology, effects of alterations in energy balance on reproductive function, neuroendocrinology, metabolism, clinical issues pertaining to womens health and reproductive status.