
Huck Grad Students Work Towards Inclusion

A discussion and advocacy group started by student leadership is pushing for dialogue and solutions to make the Huck a more welcoming and empowering space for scientists from all backgrounds.

New research on effects of binge drinking earns biologist early career award

Nikki Crowley, assistant professor of biology and biomedical engineering at Penn State, is the 2022 recipient of the Neuropsychopharmacology Editor’s Early Career Award.

Six graduate students begin Translational Research Training Program

Graduate students with varied research interests have started a yearlong training program in clinical and translational sciences.

Three Physiology Students Awarded USDA Fellowships

Three graduate students in the Huck Institutes' Integrative and Biomedical Physiology program have recently been awarded fellowships by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to support their continued research.

Kuchipudi receives College of Ag Sciences award for research innovation

Suresh Kuchipudi, Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Emerging Infectious Diseases, is the 2022 recipient of the Research Innovator of the Year Award, given by Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences to recognize faculty and staff who have made notable efforts to commercialize their Penn State research.

Researchers publish how-to guide for monitoring and analyzing brain activity

Penn State researchers have developed a set of tools and methods to better monitor and analyze sleep-related signals and fidgeting in rodent brain studies. Considered the bedrock of biomedical research, rodent studies often provide the first advanced understanding of brain activity and are the foundation on which human studies are eventually built.

Two graduate students in Penn State’s Department of Animal Science, Sophia Kenney, left, and Emily Van Syoc, center, have received recognition for their research. They are shown with Erika Ganda, assistant professor of food animal microbiomes. Credit: Contributed photo. All Rights Reserved.

Students in Department of Animal Science receive accolades for research

There are many opportunities to participate in undergraduate- and graduate-level research in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences. Graduate students Emily Van Syoc and Sophia Kenney are among those reaping the numerous benefits.

Adding herbs and spices to meals may help lower blood pressure

Seasoning your food generously with herbs and spices isn’t just a great way to make your meals tastier — new research found it may have benefits for your heart’s health, as well.

Preparing for potential pandemics is focus of new federal grant to Penn State

Researchers at Penn State have received a grant from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to study H7N9 with a goal of developing new and fundamental knowledge of virus mutations that could indicate the potential for transmissibility in humans. 

Robert Sainburg named Huck Chair in Kinesiology and Neurology

Robert “Bob” Sainburg, professor of kinesiology and of neurology and director of the Huck Institutes’ Center for Movement Science and Technology, has been named Huck Distinguished Chair in Kinesiology and Neurology.