Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Graduate Travel Award

The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Graduate Travel Award provides doctoral students of the Huck Institutes with greater experience and networking opportunities by giving them the opportunity to attend scientific meetings. Specifically, this fund provides travel support to Huck doctoral candidates who are presenting at a domestic or international conference. The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences Graduate Travel Award is made possible by the J. Lloyd and Dorothy Foehr Huck Endowment.

The chair of the graduate program can choose to provide travel support to students with accepted abstracts or invitations to speak at a national or international meeting. This support can be provided up to two times for each doctoral student (only one time per fiscal year per student). Maximum awards are $750 for domestic travel and $1,500 for international travel. Upon completion of the trip, students must submit their receipts to their home department financial staff members for processing.


Huck graduate students who have been invited to talk or to present a poster (must include invitation to talk/abstract for poster) are eligible to apply for a travel award. Students must apply for the funds prior to the travel in order to be reimbursed. If the application is not submitted prior to travel, the student will not be considered for a Huck Travel Award.

  • You must be a doctoral student in good standing in one of the Huck Institutes graduate programs.
  • You must have an accepted abstract or invitation to speak or present a poster at a national or international meeting.
  • You may receive this award twice within your graduate career (either for 2 domestic meetings or 1 domestic and 1 international meeting).
  • Your application must be submitted and approved before your meeting travel begins.

Important Information

Before completing the online application, please be aware of the following additional details:

  • This award will cover expenses for conference registration, lodging, and transportation (eg, airfare, mileage) only, in accordance with Penn State Travel Policy. Meals are not covered by this award.
  • International travel must be approved at least 30 days prior to the trip through the Global Safety Network (GSN); a copy of this approval must be submitted with your receipts.
  • Receipts must be reconciled within 30 days after the end date of the meeting through your home department; budget information will be provided to the administrative support person listed in your application.
  • This award is paid as a reimbursement only. Funds cannot be awarded prior to completion of travel.
  • All travel and reimbursement must be completed prior to your defense or termination from your graduate program.
  • Unspent travel funds cannot be used for or combined with any other travel request.
  • Your program chair is the one who will approve or deny your Huck Travel Award application.
  • Non-submitted entries will be saved but applications will only be sent to the administrator after the SUBMIT button is clicked.

Application Requirement

To apply, you must submit a request form via the link at the bottom of this page. That form will be automatically sent to your program chair for review and approval. If approved, you will receive an email notification via ServiceNow (Penn State IT).

NOTE: Submitting a Request for a Graduate Travel Award via the form linked below will generate a Penn State IT ticket in the ServiceNow system. All communication regarding the award will be sent through this ticket.

Allowable expenses with documentation (no per diem/other expenses):

  • Transportation (air fare, mileage, etc.)
  • Lodging
  • Conference registration
Submit a Request for a Graduate Travel Award