Past Events

Ecology Graduate Colloquium

Vishnupriya Sankararanan

104 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Who's who and what's where? Assessing the distributions of imperfectly detected species and communities

Brittany Mosher , USGS

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Ecology Graduate Colloquium

Elyse McMahon

104 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Explaining the diversity of animal coloration

Beth Reinke , PSU ESM

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger: ecology of Ni-hyperaccumulating plants

Mary McKenna , Howard University Biology

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Population and community dynamics of bacteria under disturbance: interplay between ecological theory and experiment

Hidetoshi Inamine , PSU Biology

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Ecology Graduate Colloquium

Monique Pipkin

104 Forest Resources Building
University Park

The importance of patch shape at habitat thresholds: Theory and applications to management and restoration

Jeff Keller , Habitat By Design

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Evolution of Invasive Weeds

Kathryn Turner , PSU Biology

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Which seed where? Reforestation and restoration in a changing climate

Laura Leites , PSU ESM

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park