Past Events

Tropical forests and their role in food security: mapping patterns and change

Sarah Gergel , University of British Columbia

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Deadly Markets: Ecological and Social Issues Related to the International Trade in Wildlife

David Wilcove , Princeton University

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Addressing Alaska's environmental challenges through microbial, plant, and human community building

Mary Beth Leigh , University of Alaska Fairbanks

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

Feeling the burn: The optimal timing of prescribed fires for recreational benefits

Katherine Zipp , PSU AESE

106 Forest Resources Building
University Park

“Strengthening the sustainability of agri-food biodiversity: from global CHNS and telecoupling to intensification-nutrition interactions amid climate change (...and back again)”

Karl Zimmerer , PSU Geography

312 Ag Engineering
University Park

“Evolutionary ecology of risk: nutrition and infectious disease in West African “bushmeat” hunting communities”

Sagan Friant , PSU Anthropology

312 Ag Engineering
University Park

“Hybridization in wood warblers”

David Toews , PSU Biology

312 Ag Engineering
University Park

“Is nature good for you? Linking ecosystems and human health”

Taylor Ricketts , University of Vermont

100 Berg Auditorium
University Park

"The biogeography of plant and animal populations"

Yvonne Buckley , Trinity College of Dublin

100 Berg Auditorium
University Park

“Climate change and global agriculture”

Lindsey Sloat , UC Irvine

261 Ag Engineering
University Park