Conserving Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Using Genetic Data, Simulations, and Effective Population Size
Plant Biology
Sean Hoban, Morton Arboretum
March 27, 2023 @ 12:10 pm to 01:10 pm
108 Wartik Building
University Park
Sean Hoban is a Tree Conservation Biologist at The Morton Arboretum in Chicago USA. Sean also has a leading role in the IUCN Conservation Genetic Specialist Group, GEO BON, and the Coalition for Conservation Genetics. He has a PhD from University of Notre Dame, and performed a postdoc with the ConGRESS project and another postdoc at NIMBioS. He has more than 80 publications and currently focuses on developing science-based advice for ex situ collections like botanic gardens, and for bringing knowledge on adaptive capacity of populations to national and global policy. Trained as a population geneticist, he also has interests in seed dispersal, macrogenetics, hybridization, demography, and population size change over time. You can read more about his group at
Donghui Wei