Chloroplast Stromules: form and function during plant innate immunity

Plant Biology

Jeffrey Caplan, University of Delaware

August 22, 2022 @ 12:10 pm to 01:10 pm

108 Wartik
University Park


Caplan website

Bio: Dr. Jeff Caplan is an associate professor in the department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the University of Delaware and the Director of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute’s Bio-Imaging Center. He splits his time between researching the function of chloroplast stromules during plant innate immunity and developing new microscopy methods with a focus on RNA detection. He completed his BS degrees in Molecular and Cell Biology and Horticulture at the University of Connecticut, before receiving his PhD and postdoctoral training at Yale University in the Dinesh-Kumar laboratory. He continues to actively collaborate with the Dinesh-Kumar group now located at the University of California, Davis, to elucidate the role of chloroplast stromules. In this seminar, he will provide an update on how chloroplasts dynamically change during plant innate immunity to send out stromules to for defense signaling and chloroplast movement. He will present new findings on proteins involved in stromule formation and function during plant innate immunity.


Donghui Wei