Engineering the Vampire Vine Cuscuta using RUBY
Plant Biology
Soyon Park, University of Missouri
October 14, 2024 @ 12:15 pm to 01:15 pm
108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park

Cuscuta campestris, a stem parasitic plant, has served as a valuable model plant for the exploration of plant-plant interactions and molecular trafficking. However, a major barrier to C. campestris research is that a method to generate stable transgenic plants has not yet been developed. Here, we developed the method of a Cuscuta transformation using various reporter genes (GFP, GUS, or RUBY), ultimately leading to a robust protocol for Agrobacterium-mediated C. campestris transformation. The stably transformed and regenerated RUBY C. campestris plants produced haustoria, the signature organ of parasitic plants, and these were functional in forming host attachments. Transformed C. campestris also produced flowers and transgenic seeds exhibiting betalain pigment, providing proof of germline transmission of the RUBY transgene. Furthermore, the RUBY reporter is not only a useful selectable marker for the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation but also provides insight into the movement of molecules from C. campestris to the host during parasitism. Thus, the protocol to generate transgenic C. campestris reported here overcomes a
About the Speaker:
Learn more about Dr. Park here.
Michael Axtell