Stomatal pre-patterning during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Plant Biology
Xingyun Qi, Rutgers University, Camden
October 7, 2024 @ 12:15 pm to 01:15 pm
108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park

Plants use stomata, valves on the aerial epidermis, for gas exchange with the environment. Several basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors including SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, and FAMA regulate the asymmetric cell division (ACD), cell differentiation, and symmetric cell division (SCD) for the successive transitions from stomata initiation to proliferation, to differentiation and to mature guard cell formation. Recent studies revealed that the cell fate decision to stomata is mediated by cell-cell communication, involving the secreted peptide ligands in the EPIDERMAL PTTERNING FACTOR (EPF) family and a Leucine-Rich-Repeat (LRR) Receptor complex including the ERECTA-family and Too Many Mouths (TMM). Although mature stomata are not formed in embryos, the stomatal cell fate determination can be pre-patterned at early embryogenesis. We found that stomatal cell fate determination during embryogenesis is regulated by a distinct mechanism from that after germination. Here we identified a novel peptide that is highly expressed at early embryo stages, and inhibits stomatal precursor formation by a negative feedback loop mechanism between the ligand, the receptor, and the transcription factor, to ensure an efficient stomatal pre-patterning during embryogenesis.
About the Speaker:
- 2007-2012 McGill University Ph.D. Cell Biology
- 2003-2006 Shandong Normal University M.Sc. Developmental Biology
- 1999-2003 Shandong Normal University B.Sc. Food Science & Engineering
Academic positions
- 2019-present: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Rutgers University – Camden
- 2014--2019: Research associate in HHMI, University of Washington, Supervisor: Dr. Keiko Torii
- 2012--2014: Postdoctoral fellow at McGill University, Supervisor: Dr. Hugo Zheng
- 2006--2007: Visiting researcher at the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Honors and Awards
- 2023-2028 NIGMS R35 Award #1R35GM151096-01 (PI, $1,956,467)
- 2023 Chancellor’s Assistant Professor grant (PI, $20,000)
- 2022-2025 NSF BRC-BIO Award #2217757 (PI, $445,676)
- 2022 DEI Council mini-grant award (PI, $5,000)
- 2022 JHSC Seed Funding Award (PI, $11,000)
- 2022 NSF MRI of MALDI-TOF (key user)
- 2020 Provost’s fund for research – Catalyst Grant (PI, $4,000)
1. Q. He, M. Schwarz, X. Qi (2024) The regulation of ABA on stomatal development and dynamics. In preparation for Plant Cell & Environment.
2. Q. He, A. Birla, G Lamoureux, H. Zhang X. Qi (2024) A novel ligand negatively regulates stomatal development during embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Under review in Current Biology.
3. Q. He, H. Zhang, and X. Qi (2023) Image-Based Methods to Study Membrane Trafficking Events in Stomatal Lineage Cells. J. Vis. Exp. (195), e65257, Doi: 10.3791/65257
4. X. Qi, N.J. Rusch, J. Fan, C.J. Mora, L. Xie, S. Mu, P.S. Rabinovitch, H. Zhang (2023) Mitochondrial proton leak in cardiac aging. Geroscience. Doi: 10.1007/s11357-023-00757-x
5. SK. Han, J.M. Kwak, and X. Qi (2021) Stomatal Lineage Control by Developmental Program and Environmental Cues. Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.751852
6. J. Sun, M. Zhang, X. Qi, C. Doyle, H. Zheng (2020) Armadillo-Repeat Kinesin1 interacts with Arabidopsis atlastin RHD3 to move ER with plus-end of microtubules. Nature Communications, 11(1), 5510 doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-19343-2
7. X. Qi, A. Yoshinari, P. Bai, M. Maes, S. Zeng, KU. Torii (2020) The Manifold Actions of Signaling Peptides on Subcellular Dynamics of a Receptor Specify Stomatal Cell Fate. eLife 9, e58097
8. J. Zhang, J. Chen, L. Wang, S. Zhao, W. Wang, J. Li, B. Liu, X. Qi, H. Zheng, M. Lu (2020) An essential role for Arabidopsis Trs33 in cell growth and organization in plant apical meristems. Plant Cell Reports, 39 (3), 381-391
9. M. Kalde, L. Elliott, R. Ravikumar, K. Rybak, M. Altmann, S. Klaeger, C. Wiese, M. Abele, B. Al, N. Kalbfub, X. Qi, A. Steiner, C. Meng, H. Zheng, B. Kuster, P. Falter-Braun, C. Ludwig, I. Moore, FF. Assaad (2019) Interactions between Transport Protein Particle (TRAPP) complexes and Rab GTPases in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, doi:10.1111/tpj. 14442
10. A. Perraki, T. DeFalco, P. Derbyshire, J. Avila, D. Séré, J. Sklenar, X. Qi, L. Stransfeld, B. Schwessinger, Y. Kadota, A. P. Macho, S. Jiang, D. Couto, K. U. Torii, F.L.H Menke, C. Zipfel (2018) Phosphocode-dependent functional dichotomy of the common co-receptor BAK1 in plant signaling. Nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0471-x
11. X. Qi, R. Pleskot, N.G. Irani, D.V. Damme (2018) Meeting report - Cellular gateways: expanding the role of endocytosis in plant development. Journal of Cell Science, vol.131(17), pii: jcs222604. doi:10.1242/jcs.222604
12. S.K. Han*, X. Qi*, K. Sugihara, J.H. Dang, T.A. Endo, K.L. Miller, E. Kim, T. Miura, K.U. Torii (2018) MUTE directly orchestrates cell state switch and the single symmetric division to create stomata. Developmental Cell, vol.45(3):303-315 (*co-first author)
13. X. Qi, K.U. Torii (2018). Hormonal and environmental signals guiding stomatal development. BMC Biology, 16:21
14. J. Zhang, J. Chen, L. Wang, S. Zhao, J. Li, B. Liu, H. Li, X. Qi, H. Zheng, M. Lu (2018). AtBET5 is essential for exine pattern formation and apical meristem organization in Arabidopsis. Plant Science, vol.274: 231-241
15. X. Qi, S.K. Han, J.H. Dang, J.M. Garrick, M. Ito, A.K. Hofstetter, K.U. Torii (2017). Autocrine regulation of stomatal differentiation potential by EPF1 and ERECTA-LIKE1 ligand-receptor signaling. eLife, 24102
16. X. Qi, J. Sun, H. Zheng (2016). A GTPase-dependent fine ER is required for localized secretion in polarized growth of root hairs. Plant Physiology, vol.171(3):1996-2007
17. X. Qi, H. Zheng (2013). Functional analysis of small Rab GTPases in cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling in Plants, vol.1043:103-112
18. Z. Sun*, X. Qi*, Z. Wang, P. Li, C. Wu, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao (2013) Overexpression of TsGOLS2, a galactinol synthase, in Arabidopsis thaliana enhances tolerance to high salinity and osmotic stresses. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, vol.69:82-89 (*co-first author)
19. X. Qi, H. Zheng (2013) Rab-A1c GTPase defines a population of trans-Golgi network that is sensitive to endosidin1 during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, vol.6(3): 847-859
20. J. Chen, C. Doyle, X. Qi, H. Zheng (2013) The endoplasmic reticulum: a social network in plant cells. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, vol. 54(11): 847-859
21. J. Chen, X. Qi, H, Zheng (2012). Subclass-Specific Localization and Trafficking of Arabidopsis p24 Proteins in the ER-Golgi interface. Traffic, vol.13(3):400-415
22. X. Qi, M. Kaneda, J. Chen, A. Geitmann, H. Zheng (2011). A specific role for Arabidopsis TRAPPII in post-Golgi trafficking that is crucial for cytokinesis and cell polarity. The Plant Journal, vol.68: 234-248
23. X. Qi, H. Zheng (2011). Arabidopsis TRAPPII is functionally linked to Rab-A, but not Rab-D in polar protein trafficking in trans-Golgi network. Plant Signaling & Behavior, vol.6(11): 1679-1683
24. Z. Sun*, X. Qi*, P. Li, C. Wu, Y. Zhao, H. Zhang, Z. Wang (2008). Overexpression of a Thellungiella halophila CBL9 homolog, ThCBL9, confers salt and osmotic tolerances in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Biology, vol.51(1): 25-34 (*co-first author)
25. L. Jiang, X. Qi, C. Liu (2007). Molecular mechanism of plant embryogenesis. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, vol.24(3): 389-398 (in Chinese)
26. Z. Sun*, X. Qi*, H. Zhang, Z. Wang, Y. Zhao (2006). The effect of NaCl to the growth and osmotic regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana. Shandong Science, vol.19(3):7-14 (in Chinese) (co-first author)
Ying Gu