Optimizing plant form and function through genetics, genomics and high-resolution phenomics
Plant Biology
Andrea Eveland, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
April 8, 2024 @ 12:15 pm to 01:15 pm
108 Wartik Laboratory
University Park

About the Speaker:
Dr. Andrea Eveland received her PhD in Plant Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Florida in 2008. As an NSF postdoctoral fellow, she trained in bioinformatics and plant development at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where she used genomics methods to study regulation of maize inflorescence architecture. Andrea started her research program at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis in 2014. Her group investigates gene networks and regulatory variation underlying shoot architecture traits and stress response pathways in cereals, mainly maize and sorghum. Cutting-edge phenomics and computer science tools are also leveraged to study plant development at the individual plant and canopy levels to link genotype to phenotype and ultimately elucidate gene function for crop improvement. Andrea is also adjunct faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Missouri, an associate of the Taylor Geospatial Institute in St. Louis, and currently serves on the Maize Genetics Cooperation Board of Directors.
Jesse Lasky