The Olympus BX61 (material scope) is a microscope system with two configurations: a biological configuration (with automated three-color plus DIC image collection) and a materials configuration (with polarization, darkfield, and reflected brightfield light).
- Fully motorized microscope selection of objectives, filter cubes, condenser, and camera controller.
- Quick change of nose pieces to convert from biological configuration to materials configuration.
- Two cameras: high-sensitivity monochrome and color
- Illumination: Mercury vapor, provided through either rapid automated shutter or conventional filter cubes. Excitation wavelengths from UV to Red are available.
- Objectives
- Biological Configuration: UPlanFL 4x/0.13, UplanFL 10X/0.30, UplanFL 20X/0.50, UplanFL 40X/0.75, PlanAPO 60x/1.4 oil, UplanFL 100X/1.3 oil. All objectives have DIC optics.
- Materials Configuration: UMPlanFL 5x/0.15BD, UMplanFL 10X/0.30BD, UMPlanFL 20X/0.46BD, UMPlan 50X/0.80BD, UMPlanFL 1000x/0.90
- Digital camera: Hamamatsu cooled digital camera -- ORCA ER (Model C4742-80) and Olympus DP71
- Controller: A prior controller with joystick controls focus and location.
- Software
- Slidebook software
- DP controller software
- CellSens software
- Output
- Files will be transferred to an off-line computer.
- Users will transfer data via FTP or download it to a writeable CD-ROM as TIFF files.
- Images can be printed using graphics software such as Photoshop or ImageJ.