
Jul 30, 2024
Craig Praul named director of Huck Core Facilities
Joining Praul on the new leadership team are Rajeswaran Mani, director of the Flow Cytometry Facility, and financial specialist Kelly Foster.
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Dec 20, 2018
Micropores let oxygen and nutrients inside biofabricated tissues
Micropores in fabricated tissues such as bone and cartilage allow nutrient and oxygen diffusion into the core, and this novel approach may eventually allow lab-grown tissue to contain blood vessels, according to a team of Penn State researchers.
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Nov 06, 2018
Partnership announced between Commonwealth Campuses and shared facilities
The Office of the Vice President for Research at Penn State has announced the launch of a new program to support increased usage of shared core facilities and services by faculty at the Commonwealth Campuses.
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May 28, 2014
Zinc deficiency before conception disrupts fetal development
Female mice deprived of dietary zinc for a relatively short time before conception experienced fertility and pregnancy problems and had smaller, less-developed fetuses than mice that ingested zinc during the same times, according to Penn State researchers including Francisco Diaz and Thomas Neuberger.
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Jan 21, 2014
Announcing major equipment acquisitions at the Huck Institutes
The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences, in conjunction with the Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Provost, are pleased to announce several major equipment acquisitions that will further strengthen the research capabilities of their Core Facilities at University Park.
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Aug 03, 2010
Ancient gene family linked to the future of epileptic seizures
A potassium-channel gene belonging to an ancient gene family more than 542 million years old is opening new avenues in epilepsy research, and may one day allow researchers to develop more effective drugs with fewer side effects for the treatment of epileptic seizures.
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