The Agilent TapeStation 4150 is an automated electrophoresis device used for QC analysis of RNA and DNA samples. We support the use of RNA, RNA HS, D1000, D1000 HS, D5000, D5000 HS and Genomic DNA Tapes.

- 15 samples plus a ladder can be assayed on a single RNA or DNA Tape
- An objective measure of RNA quality, the RNA Integrity Number (RIN) can be determined for total RNA samples run on either the RNA or RNA HS Tape
- The RIN of total RNA samples at concentrations of 1 ng/ul – 25ng/ul can be determined on RNA HS Tapes
- The RIN of total RNA samples at concentrations of 25 ng/ul – 500 ng/ul can be analyzed on RNA Tapes
- NGS libraries or fragmented DNA samples from 100 nt – 5000 nt at concentrations of 0.1 ng/ul – 50 ng/ul can be analyzed on the DNA 5000 Tape. The DNA 5000 HS Tape can analyze fragments from 100 – 5000 nt at concentrations of 10 pg/ul – 1000 pg/ul
- NGS libraries or fragmented DNA from 35 nt – 1000 nt and concentrations of 0.1 ng/ul – 50/ng/ul can be analyzed on the DNA 1000 Tape. The DNA 1000 HS Tape can analyze fragments from 35 – 1000 nt at concentrations of 10 – 1000 pg/ul
- An objective measure of DNA quality, the DNA Integrity Number (DIN) can be determined for genomic DNA samples run on a Genomic DNA Tape
- The Genomic DNA Tape can analyze genomic DNA from 200 nt – 60,000 nt at concentrations from 5 – 300 ng/ul
- The Tape will consume 1-2 ul of sample. Please provide us a minimum of 5 ul per sample. This allows us to check the concentration of your sample prior to assaying it on the TapeStation. This also provides enough sample it can be re-run if necessary. We are happy to return the unused portion.
- Provide your samples in standard 0.5 or 1.5 ml microfuge tubes. No 0.2 ml PCR tubes or PCR strip tubes allowed.
Used for a variety of applications:
- NGS library QC
- Total RNA RIN determination
- Genomic DNA DIN determination
- Accurate size determination and quantification of DNA fragments
This instrument is operated by Genomics Core Facility staff in conjunction with next-generation sequencing services.