Contact Us

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Why are you contacting the Genomics Core Facility? *

It may take several moments to process your registration after clicking the "submit" button. Please do not click more than once. You will receive an email confirmation within a few minutes of submission.

Additional Contact Information:

We have now created a shared core facility mailbox. Please use to:

  1. Arrange to drop off samples for TapeStation, Qubit, or qPCR.
  2. Arrange to drop off Illumina libraries for sequencing.
  3. Inquire about Sanger sequencing, fragment analysis, or NanoPore Whole Plasmid sequencing.

For now, all other inquires can still be sent to Craig at

Contact Individual Staff:

Craig Praul

Director of Core Facilities; Genomics Core Facility Director

Kerry Hair

Research Technologist, Genomics Core Facility

Daniel Hannon

Research Project Manager, Genomics Core Facility

Ashley Price

Research Technologist, Genomics Core Facility

Mailing Address

Genomics Core Facility, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Penn State University
407 Chandlee Building
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-867-4067
Fax: 814-863-6608

Sample Drop-Off

Room 413 (just to the left when you come off the elevator)