The FEI Titan Krios is an instrument that realizes the revolutionary developments in cryo-EM leading to the “resolution revolution” that allows atomic resolution maps of biological objects with low or no symmetry. These transformative advances include the exceptionally stable microscope stage, automated data collection, direct electron detection technology, fast read out for data transfer. However, our Penn State Krios microscope is one of a kind.

Life Science configuration for single particle data collection and dual axis cellular tomography:
- Cs: spherical aberration corrector
- Volta Phase Plate for enhanced contrast
- Falcon 4 direct electron detector camera
- Quantum GIF (K2) energy filter with K2 direct electron detector
Material Science configurations:
- Analytical
- EELs for elemental mapping and chemical bonding
- Imaging
- STEM for mass/thickness contrast
- DPC: differential phase contrast produces contrast relative to electrical fields
- EFTEM: energy filtered TEM for zero loss imaging of thick samples
Configured for uncompromised data collection for the life sciences the Krios also incorporates material science applications, making the system uniquely suited to use material science applications on biological samples. This combination opens up a new era of convergence science blending technical approaches to develop cutting edge approaches to understand both soft and hard materials.
Instrument/Service Location:
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility
How to Obtain Access:
Visit https://psu.corefacilities.org
How to Obtain Support:
Visit https://psu.corefacilities.org